

today i have came up with a revelation, i will be distancing myself away from my dad. now of course due to how unstabe he is at the moment, it wont be an immediate thing, ill do it gradually. i am tired of his constant phone calls, mood swings, and overall bad eneergy that stresses me out beyond compare. i just feel very annoyed and upset by the fact that i always have to hear about how he’s “lonely” or he's “gonna go broke” when he literally gets paid by the government $8,000 PER MONTH. but im done, im tired of hearing how miserable his life is when he chooses to make his life miserable by not taking the action and doing what is best for his mental health and well-being because frankly, it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS, and it shouldnt have have been my business from the very BEGINNING

besides that though, i am very excited for tomorrow! me and emilie are gonna go hang out after school and im so happy to see her after what seems like ages. i honestly dont know why, but ever since me and emilie met, we have had this inseparable bond. we always hang out together, always get food together, always do everything together, so much so that people think that we are dating! i just find it funny that me and emilie have had a closer friendship than most childhood friends have. ill let you guys know tomorrow how it goes and i have a big announcement for you all that i think you guys will love. see yall tomorrow

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