

welp, today i have to go to a FAFSA workshop with BOTH of my parents, perfect timing especially when i literally had a breakdown about my dad LITERALLY last night. its been in my head for most of the day and im kinda nervous but then i realized, this is a professional event, where he has to be calm cool and understanding. he would NEVER get mad or angry if he is infront of not only me & my mom, but a school official. so i dont think im too worried anymore but there is still a possibility that something might happen, i just hope nothing bad happens while we get there. the school hasnt told usabout where this is located. this is already stressful enough and them not telling us where the ocation of the event is just adds salt to the wound of my nervousness. im gonna go ask someone in a lil bit about this and ill let you all know tomorrow how it went. 

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